5 Ways to Enhance Your Social Media Engagement

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Social Media Engagement

Social media is an inevitable part of our lives. It powers business and interpersonal relations. Online marketing is one of the emerging business genres which help in reaching out to a large group of people. As a business, you can increase your social media management by monitoring business response and attaching your business to a social cause. Tailoring specific content for various social networks and making those visually enhancing by organizing games, contests and giving out freebies and tagging guest bloggers can increase brand positioning. Social media thus ranks as an expansive platform for business promotion and customer engagement.

Social media marketing is one of the fastest growing premises in the era of digital business and global commercial growth. By rendering social media exposure to your business you not only increase the brand value or generate more business, but also connect with your customers on a higher level. The use of social media, on mobiles, has gone up by 30% every year, with almost 69% adults exposed to the use of social media.

The 5 Pointer Booster Plan

Common belief states that an engaged following equals to an audience that knows, trusts and relies on your brand. Here are a few ways to increase your social media engagement:

1. Monitoring Controls

A business is a two-way communication which becomes futile if there is no response or feedback. You must have a fair good idea about how people respond to your brand. A social media marketing agency can refer you to a host of free tools (Google Alerts, Topsy, Hoot Suite/Tweet Deck) which can help you judge the customer response and take necessary corrective actions to increase the brand appeal. Going on Facebook Live or Instagram live from the brand’s official page is a good option for establishing a direct correspondence with the customers.

2. Ace It with Contests and Freebies

Social media marketing services offer one of the most effective ways to garner customer involvement by giving out freebies or gifts on winning contests. You can ask your audience to fill up contest forms, or a selfie with the product or sharing a story about your brand and give out some gifts to contest winners. These may include gift vouchers, discount coupons, tickets to a concert or just a goodwill hamper. Arranging small games like a short quiz helps create a buzz and greater engagement on the website.

3. Engage In a Social Cause

A social media marketing company always aims at the aspect of corporate social responsibility. Associating your brand with a social cause through an awareness campaign or philanthropic drive can help in increasing the appeal of your business. Keep posting messages and pictures about the cause on the webpage. Ask your audience to come forward and contribute, as they are more likely to connect to socially responsible content.

4. Use the Correct Content

Social media marketing services promote the use of content, which tends to attract more attention. Use Hashtags pertaining to the business this will help increase an audience following base. Use emoji to encourage a response. Tailor the content for different social media platforms and end with a call to action, the content structure should be in a manner which encourages commenting, liking, sharing. Make the content visually enhancing with bold graphics and images it helps in increased audience engagement.

5. Tag Your Guest Bloggers

The social media marketing company considers tagging as one of the basic elements for building fast relations. Highlighting influencers, fans and guest bloggers boosts brand exposure and positioning.

Social media marketing is the face of the new global era, increasing the business credentials through social media engagement.

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